Registration and Event Details


Registration opens the 1st of October and closes 27th of October. Giving you almost 4 weeks of opportunity to clear your schedule and sign up for the competition 😉



During registration, participants need to select a division to sign up. There are 2 divisions:

- Recreational Lifter: Open to weightlifting enthusiasts of all levels
- Competition Athlete: Stricter rules and requirements, to be able to officially move up the Dutch ranking or even qualify for the Dutch Nationals

Make sure to read the rulebooks for more details on the rules and requirements


We will start selection with a 50:50 ratio for male to female in both divisions. But depending on the registrations, we might change this to fill up the spots available.

The same goes for people canceling or other unforeseen changes in the athlete line up.

So make sure to apply for the waiting list. This way we can notify you ASAP after registration closes, to join our event.


On November 3rd (one week after registration closes), you will be notified with the first draft of the athlete line up and timetable.

To give room for possible changes in the line up or timetable we will announce the final list and timetable on November 17th (two weeks before the event).



Date: 30th of November 2024
Location: Crossfit Arnhem. (Emplacementsstraat 4b, 6827 DA Arnhem)
Spots available: 60 recreational & 30 competitor
Event time: 09:00-20:00u


Additional information

Weigh In

You will be categorised in a specific group, with a specific time to weigh in.

After weigh-in your will have an hour to relax, eat and drink, before your group starts. After that you will be briefed before your group starts to make sure you know everything you need to know before stepping on the platform.


For the recreational group there will be BARS coaches available to guide and assist you through your competition, if you don’t have your own coach.


The BARS Weightlifting Cup uses the Sinclair Formula to rank the athletes. This is a score calculated with your exact total lifted and bodyweight during weigh-in. The more you lift and less you weight, the higher you score.

Check out our Event Rulebook for more information